
Donegal, 2018

About me: I am an interdisciplinary researcher with expertise in basking shark conservation, individual-based modeling, social science, and policy. I earned a PhD in Environmental Science and Policy from George Mason University in 2023. I am passionate about multi-media scientific outreach and communication. I also have experience with marketing, web design, and content development. I am currently a Knauss Fellow with NOAA Fisheries’ Office of International Affairs, Trade, and Commerce.

This amazing logo was created by Jacqueline Rajerison. My PhD research involved modeling basking shark aggregations, like those depicted in this image.

Contact: GrayChelsea13@gmail.com

ORCiD ID: 0000-0001-9441-7242

Fun Fact: Tá Gaeilge agam! Tá mé ag foghlaim Gaeilge le cúpla bliain anois. I have been learning the Irish language for a few years now. Despite no talent for languages, I passed my A2 exam in summer 2021 and am able to converse about my life and research at a basic level. I believe very strongly in the intersection between minority language preservation and environmental conservation.